Unleashing the Potential of Older Americans
For over six decades, we have led the way in workforce development for older American workers, crafting innovative job training and placement programs to meet employers’ business needs and unleash the potential of our nation’s 60 million older adults. We partner with American businesses to connect them with a national network of work-ready older Americans, with Federal agencies on staffing solutions, and with older Americans on job training and placement. Find the program that is right for you below.
The Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP)

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency – Senior Environmental Employment Program (EPA-SEE)

The Natural Resources Conservation Service – Agriculture Conservation Experienced Services Program (NRCS-ACES)

The National Park Service – Experienced Services Program (NPS-ESP)

US Fish and Wildlife Service – Experienced Service Program (FWS-ESP)

The Forest Service Agriculture Conservation Experienced Services (FS-ACES)

The Forest Service Agriculture Conservation Experienced Services (FS-ACES) Program offers Americans 55 and older temporary paid assignments to provide technical services for conservation-related programs and authorities carried out on National Forest Service land. The FS-ACES Program supports the work of U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA’s) Forest Service. The 2008 Farm Bill (Section 1252) established the ACES Program. The authority was extended to the Forest Service in the 2014 Farm Bill (Section 8302).
Digital Certification Program
Digital skills are required in 92% of jobs. The Digital Certification Program (DCP) is a data-driven solution that equips unemployed older Americans with the tools they need to thrive in the modern world of work: in-demand skills and a means to showcase those skills to American businesses.