The Natural Resources Conservation Service Agriculture Conservation Experienced Services (NRCS-ACES) Program offers individuals 55 and older temporary paid assignments to provide technical services in support of the conservation-related programs of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).

These services may include conservation planning assistance, technical consultation, and assistance with design and implementation of conservation practices. The NCRS-ACES program supports the work of USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). Authorized by the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008 (Section 2710), the program is patterned after the Senior Environmental Employment Program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

CWI administers the NRCS-ACES Program as one of four national nonprofit organizations selected by USDA through a competitive process. Through Task Agreements, NRCS awards funds for us to recruit, screen, place, and pay NRCS-ACES Enrollees. After qualified applicants are selected through a cooperative process, NRCS staff oversees the work activities of NCRS-ACES Enrollees while we provide payroll, time record maintenance, record keeping, and administrative support.

To be eligible, you must be at least 55 years old and legally eligible to work in the United States.

NRCS-ACES Enrollees are not employees of either USDA or a State agriculture department but receive wages and benefits including paid federal holidays, vacation, and sick leave. Enrollees work from 16 to 40 hours a week.

By law, NRCS-ACES Enrollees cannot displace or reduce the non-overtime hours, wages, or employment benefits of USDA employees; perform work of USDA employees who are in a layoff status from the same or a substantially-equivalent job or function; or affect existing contracts for services.

Follow the link to browse a list of current openings and apply to vacant positions in our NRCS-ACES Program.

  • Chris Garland, Senior Director of Workforce Development and Programs
  • Sarah (Branch) Wright, ESP Business Partner
  • Jenny Bivens, ESP Business Partner
  • Dan Kerr, Payroll Specialist
  • Metropolitan Travel:
    • 703-941-8186 or 1-800-662-6363
  • Metropolitan Travel after hours helpline:
    • 1-866-549-7719

NRCS-ACES Handbook

This is an information tool for the purpose of acquainting Enrollees and monitors with the policies, procedures, benefits, and restrictions affecting Enrollee participation in the ACES Program.


Enrollment Activity PDF or Word


Travel Forms & Information

Payroll Information