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Fox Business: The one key reason U.S. economy has beaten predictions

The article, authored by Gary Officer and Julia Pollak, explains how the U.S. economy has exceeded predictions, largely due to the rising participation of older workers. It emphasizes that older workers are vital for continued growth, offering valuable skills and experience. However, challenges persist, including age-related job search difficulties. The article calls for changes in employer perceptions, workplace policies, and public programs to support older workers.

Nov 3, 2023

Florida Daily: Harnessing the Power of Age, Five Key Benefits of Hiring Older Workers

The article, authored by Gary A. Officer, outlines five key benefits of hiring older workers, including problem-solving skills, reliability, and adaptability, all of which can boost team productivity and reduce turnover.

Oct 28, 2023

SHRM: Why Companies Should Hire Older Workers

With Gary A. Officer's insights, the article explores why hiring older workers benefits companies through experience, reliability, and mentorship, addressing talent gaps and boosting workforce diversity.

Oct 26, 2023

HR Dive: Workforce: Employers stuck in ‘time warp’ about older workers

Our President and CEO, Gary A. Officer, as well as Board Member Janine Vanderburg, share their insights on "Workforce: Employers stuck in ‘time warp’ about older workers: Companies need to address “blind spots” in their recruiting efforts, panelists said at the CWI Annual Summit.

Oct 20, 2023

FoxNews: America’s secret asset against AI workforce takeover

Two significant shifts are changing America’s workforce as we’ve known it. First, artificial intelligence (AI) continues to transform everything about work. AI technologies-related job displacement presents a major challenge to the American worker and it continues to disrupt our economy. Our President and CEO Opinion Piece on Fox News - America’s secret asset against AI workforce takeover: Overcoming ageism in our workplaces is the first step in adapting to a new world of work.

Oct 10, 2023